Showing 1–9 of 26 results
Molecular PathologyPHP 8,645.00
HACT Viral Load
PHP 8,645.00 Proceed to BookingAdd to cart -
Molecular PathologyPHP 7,425.00
Haemochromatosis Mutation Analysis
PHP 7,425.00 Proceed to BookingAdd to cart -
Hematology and CoagulationPHP 300.00
Hams Test
PHP 300.00 Proceed to BookingAdd to cart -
ImmunochemistryPHP 475.00
Hba1c Blood Test
PHP 475.00 Proceed to BookingAdd to cart -
Molecular PathologyPHP 14,510.00
HCV RNA PCR (Hepatitis C Virus)
PHP 14,510.00 Proceed to BookingAdd to cart -
Vital LabCarePHP 1,190.00
Heart LabCheQ
PHP 1,190.00 Proceed to BookingAdd to cart -
Clinical MicroscopyPHP 830.00
Helicobacter pylori Antigen Stool
PHP 830.00 Proceed to BookingAdd to cart -
Immunology and SerologyPHP 2,500.00
Helicobacter pylori IgG
PHP 2,500.00 Proceed to BookingAdd to cart -
Immunology and SerologyPHP 1,950.00
Helicobacter pylori IgM
PHP 1,950.00 Proceed to BookingAdd to cart